* Universal Flash Storage (UFS) DesignWare Host Controller

DWC_UFS nodes are defined to describe on-chip UFS host controllers and MPHY.
Each UFS controller instance should have its own node.

Required properties:
- compatible	: compatible list must contain the PHY type & version:
		  complemented with the Controller IP version:
		  complemented with the JEDEC version:

- reg		: <registers mapping>
- interrupts	: <interrupt mapping for UFS host controller IRQ>

Example for a setup using a 1.40a DWC Controller with a 6.00 G210 40-bit TC:
	dwc-ufs@d0000000 {
		compatible = "snps,g210-tc-6.00-40bit",
		reg = < 0xd0000000 0x10000 >;
		interrupts = < 24 >;